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An Ordinance Adopting a New Standard Fire Code


Interested persons will take note that the Village Council of Yellow Springs on Monday, December 5, 2011, gave first reading to an ordinance adopting a new standard fire code for the Village of Yellow Springs, text to follow.

WHEREAS, in order to properly protect the health, safety and  welfare of the inhabitants of the Village, the Council considers it necessary and advisable to adopt a standard fire code pertaining to fire, fire hazards and fire prevention,

THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Council of the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio that:

Section 1. Pursuant to RC 731.231, this Council hereby adopts the 2007 Ohio Fire Code, as amended to date by the Ohio State Fire  Marshal, and any future editions and contained in Chapter 1302:7-7 of the Ohio Administrative Code. A complete copy of the code is available online at and is incorporated by reference in this Ordinance. This Code replaces the 1997 Code referenced in Section 1610.01 of the Codified Ordinances.

Section 2. The Clerk is directed to:
a. Maintain a complete copy of the code on file in the Clerk’s office for inspection by the public;
b. Keep copies of the code available for distribution to the public at cost;
c. Certify a copy of this Ordinance, together with a complete copy of the code, for the County Law Library to be kept on file there; and
d. Post notice of adoption of the code in five conspicuous places in the Village for at least 30 days, and also cause such notice to be  published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village for three consecutive weeks. The notice shall clearly identify the code and state its purpose, and state that complete copies of the code are on file with the Village Clerk of Council and the County Law Library for inspection by the public, and that the Clerk has copies available
for distribution to the public at cost.

Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective at the earliest date allowed by law.

Judith Hempfling,


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