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  • Bahnsen’s photos as art, digitized

    It was a small gallery on Glen Street. But inside was a trove of artistic images produced through the lens of one of the pioneers of impressionistic photography. The artist was the late Axel Bahnsen.

  • Dec. 6, 2012 Bulldogs sports roundup

    Dec. 6, 2012 Bulldogs sports roundup

  • Sanders memorial held

    A memorial gathering in celebration of the life of Donna M. Sanders will be held Tuesday, Dec. 11, 4–7 p.m. in the Glen Helen Building. Donna’s request was to have family and friends gather together to talk, laugh and enjoy one another as she did. Family and friends are invited to come and reminisce and […]

  • Council is the public’s forum

    A small village with an active citizenry and lots of public services makes for a busy Village Council. To alleviate some of the burden and engage the expertise of a talented populace, Council has historically relied on commissions to vet ideas and research policies before making an official decision on a given issue.

  • In Israel, Rothman chooses peace

    Yellow Springs’ Mori Rothman, refuse to serve as a matter of conscience.
    On Oct. 24, Rothman, a former Yellow Springs resident, was jailed for refusing to serve in the IDF. Rothman served two consecutive 10-day prison terms and was released on Nov. 14.

  • BLOG – Give a little bit

    For community members who need a little help this time of year, and year-round, there is assistance available via a variety of organizations, listed here. And for those who have more than enough, why not consider donating to one or several of these causes?

  • The Raptor Center

    This week’s entry is on The Raptor Center.

  • BLOG – Science Olympiad

    The nooks and crannies throughout the Village that often get overlooked. Today’s blog showcases the first workshop meeting for the Yellow Springs’ Science Olympiad 7th-9th grade team.

  • BLOG-Keeping Things Simple

    A bit of restraint in this holiday season lets its magic shine through.

  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Girls open season with loss

    The Yellow Springs High School girls basketball team kicked off its season with a heartbreaking home loss last Monday.

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