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  • Jerry Hubschman

    Jerry H. Hubschman died of pancreatic cancer on Monday, Nov. 19. He was 83.

  • Annual Flour And Sugar Distribution

    Village Of Yellow Springs, Ohio

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs Public Meetings

  • Let furniture rise from the ashes

    The coming decimation of the village’s ash tree population by an invasive Asian beetle — a kind of “Arborgeddon” for a tree that represents about one out of every 10 in our canopy — is a dismal story. Many beloved trees — on Mills Lawn, at the Antioch College campus, in the Glen — have already died. Others are showing signs of stress.

  • Council plans budget hearing

    Village Council convened one last budget workshop last week before the first official public hearing on the budget takes place on Monday, Dec. 3, at the Bryan Center in Council chambers. Council plans to approve the budget in early January, much earlier than it has done in the recent past.

  • Board of Education

    Routine Business

  • Joint Meeting with Planning Commission and Council Agenda

    Monday, Dec. 10, 2012 7:00 p.m.

  • Antioch University Midwest—Budget darkens union talk

    Antioch University Midwest has hit difficult financial times, and the reality is affecting the local campus in several ways. This month Midwest leaders told the school community that they planned to cut $208,000 in personnel costs by the end of this year. Midwest did not specify where the cuts would come from, but indicated that the campus needed to find ways to stem a rising deficit caused by low enrollment over the last several years.

  • Ruth Bayless

    Ruth Bayless, 84, of Yellow Springs died on Saturday, Dec. 1, at Friends Care Center.

  • Students sail by state exam

    By design of the evaluation tool, the Yellow Springs school district fell this year from “excellent with distinction” to just “excellent” in its quality designation on the State of Ohio report card. But the apparent reduction in status was merely a technical result of the State’s metrics, as the district received exactly the same student-wide achievement score as last year, when it was labeled “excellent with distinction” for the second consecutive year.

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