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Over 60 singers and musicians brought their voices and a dozen different instruments to the first Yellow Springs Hootenanny on Saturday, Jan. 19. Future Hootenannies will be held the third Saturday of each month, 6–9 p.m. at the Coretta Scott King Center on the Antioch College campus. (Submitted photo)

Over 60 singers and musicians brought their voices and a dozen different instruments to the first Yellow Springs Hootenanny on Saturday, Jan. 19. Future Hootenannies will be held the third Saturday of each month, 6–9 p.m. at the Coretta Scott King Center on the Antioch College campus. (Submitted photo)

Pick-up pickin’

Over 60 singers and musicians brought their voices and a dozen different instruments to the first Yellow Springs Hootenanny on Saturday, Jan. 19. Future Hootenannies will be held the third Saturday of each month, 6–9 p.m. at the Coretta Scott King Center on the Antioch College campus. Participants are encouraged to bring their voice, an instrument, a music stand and a folding chair. The next Hootenanny will be held Feb. 16. For more information, to be placed on the contact list or to receive the YS Hootenanny Songbook, email Chris Murphy at

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2 Responses to “Pick-up pickin’”

  1. FYI says:

    There is no ukulele club meeting or hootenanny in September 2023 because of the Labor Day holiday and then, YS has the Porch Fest. Hopefully, they will resume schedule in October.

  2. JinJin Julie 10 yrs. old says:

    They can’t use Zoom for the Hoot because there is a delay that would prohibit synchronized playing even if they only played for an hour. Each could play alone for a song and the next person play or chat about music, but they can’t play together at the same time as far as I know. Please tell Mr. Murphy.

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