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Articles From August 30th, 2019

  • Business brings foot fashion to YS

    Yellow Springs is known for many unique products, but fashionable shoes isn’t one of them. Elaine Chappelle is trying to change that with her new boutique shoe store, Sweet Sanaa.

  • Lines another Village water issue

    The village water distribution system, which is a complex web of underground water lines of various size, age and make, is in need of an upgrade. The urgency of the repairs depends on who is talking about them.

  • School librarian grew many readers

    Yellow Springs School’s librarian Mary Ann Christopher retires this month after 25 years with the district. Christopher, who lives in Beavercreek, spent 16 years in the library. Here she stands amongst the stacks she helped cultivate at the YSHS library. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The right book in the hands of the right student can be magic, says retiring school librarian Mary Ann Christopher, who has hooked many a student on books in her 16 years as the librarian of Yellow Springs Schools.

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