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A Proper English Tea

Sunday, April 28th’s Proper English Tea Senior Center fundrasier was a “thank you” from those who watched Downton Abbey this year on the Senior Center’s big screen TV. Those who attended the tea, both young and old, enjoyed fancy hats, antique tea pots, delicious finger foods donated by villagers, beautiful linens and of course, the fellowship and tea. Shown above in their finest are, from left, Barbara Heckart, Lee Huntington, Pat Siemer and Ruth Paige. Senior Center Activity Coordinator Corinne Pelzl thanks Becky Baker of Friends Care Center, Judith Wolert Maldonado, Sue Hawkey, Susan Gartner, Tom Osborne, John Grote, Liz Blakelock and Miller Fellow Jennifer Blattman, for their help with the event.

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One Response to “A Proper English Tea”

  1. Kathryn Hitchcock says:

    Phenomenal photos, Suzanne and kudos to all the organizers! If I had not been sick I would I been in some of them:(.

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