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Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

Mon., June 9, 2014, 7:00 p.m.

Council room, second floor Bryan Community Center

• Antioch College -Conditional Use Application for a solar array field: Corry Street
(Educational Institution District). Reggie Stratton, representing Antioch College, has submitted a conditional use application for the purpose of developing a private solar array field within the Village of Yellow Springs.

• Vitruvian Brewing Company Conditional Use Application for retail sales:
305 N. Walnut Street, Suite C (I-1 Business Park District). William Creepingbear of Vitruvian Brewing Company, with acknowledgement of property owner, Millworks Development Corporation, has submitted a conditional use application for the purpose of including a tasting room within the Vitruvian Brewing Company for retail sales incidental to the manufacture or production of goods on the premises.

• Antioch University Midwest Conditional Use Application for a mobile vending (food truck) 900 Dayton Street – (E-1, Educational Institutional District) – Dr. Karen Schuster Webb, representing Antioch University Midwest has requested a conditional use permit to allow a mobile vending food truck to be situated within the existing parking lot.

The Village of Yellow Springs is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. The Planning Commission meeting is wheelchair accessible. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the Village Clerk’s Office at 767-9126 or


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