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Planning Commission

Notice is hereby given that:

An owner of property in the Village has requested a public hearing with the Yellow Springs Planning Commission to vacate three portions right-of-way;

1) Alley Vacation – Antioch College, represented by Reggie Stratton, has requested to vacate a fifteen (15) feet wide alley situated east of Livermore Street south of the intersection with East South College Street in the location of the Curl Gym per the Village of Yellow Springs Code of Ordinances Chapter 1224. The alley is four hundred and fifty (450) feet long. The following parcel, owned by Antioch College Corporation, is adjacent to the portion of alley requested for vacation; Greene County parcel ID #F19000100140005700.

2) Right-of-Way Vacation – Antioch College, represented by Reggie Stratton, has requested to vacate the twenty-five (25) feet wide undeveloped East Herman Street right-of-way which is situated between the developed portion
of East Herman Street and Corry Street in the location of the Antioch Solar Array Field per the Village of Yellow Springs Code of Ordinances Chapter 1224. The right-of-way is approximately one thousand and twenty-two (1022) feet in length. The following parcels, owned by Antioch College Corporation, are adjacent to the portion of right-of-way requested for vacation; Greene County parcel ID #F19000100140005700 and ID #F19000100150002300.

3) Right-of-Way Vacation – Antioch College, represented by Reggie Stratton, has requested to vacate the sixty-six (66) feet wide undeveloped portion of East North College Street right-of-way which is situated between the developed portion of East North College Street and Corry Street which also
intersects with President Street per the Village of Yellow Springs Code of Ordinances Chapter 1224. The right-of-way is approximately one thousand and thirty-six (1036) feet in length. The following parcels, owned by Antioch College Corporation, are adjacent to the portion of right-of-way requested
for vacation; Greene County parcel ID #F19000100140005700, ID # F19000100090029600 and ID #F19000100090029800.


DATE: Monday, Dec. 8, 2014
TIME: 7:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Council Chambers, 2nd floor, Bryan Center, 100 Dayton St, Yellow Springs, OH 45387

This notice provides you and every other interested party the opportunity
to appear or have input at the hearing. You may come in person or have someone appear on your behalf. You may express your views in writing by providing a copy to the Clerk of Council for inclusion in the record of the hearing. The applications, as prepared by the petitioners, may be examined at the office of the Village Manager on the 2nd floor of the Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton Street, Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387. Questions regarding
the applications, zoning code or procedures may be directed to the Village Zoning Administrator at the same address, or by calling 937-7673702 or 937-562-7480.

Tamara Ennist,
Village Zoning Administrator


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