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Planning Commission

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Planning Commission,
Yellow Springs, Ohio

Notice is hereby given that:

The Village of Yellow Springs Planning Commission will have a public hearing regarding the following matters;

• Rezoning Application – 104 Xenia Avenue – (C-Conservation) – The Village of Yellow Springs has requested a rezoning for the property at 104 Xenia Avenue from the C-Conservation with Gateway Overlay District to the B-1 Central Business with Gateway Overlay District. The rezoning is being requested to correct a clerical error found after the adoption of the official zoning map.
• Right-of-Way Vacation – Antioch College request to vacate the twenty-five foot wide undeveloped East Herman Street right-ofway which is situated between the developed portion of East Herman Street and Corry Street.
• Right-of-Way Vacation – Antioch College request to vacate the sixty-six (66) foot wide undeveloped portion of East North College Street right-of-way which is situated between
the developed portion of East North College Street and Corry Street.
• Text Amendment – The Village of Yellow Springs has submitted an application for a text amendment to the Zoning Code Section 12.72.04 amending the section titled, “Fees; Performance Guarantees.”

A Public Hearing Will Be Held On This Petition:

DATE: Monday, April 13, 2015
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Council Chambers, 2nd floor, Bryan Center, 100 Dayton St, Yellow Springs, OH

This notice provides you and every other interested party the opportunity to appear or have input at the hearing. You may come in person or have someone appear on your
behalf. You may express your views in writing by providing a copy to the Clerk of Council for inclusion in the record of the hearing. The applications, as prepared by the
petitioners, may be examined at the office of the Village Manager on the 2nd floor of the Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton Street, Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387. Questions
regarding the applications, zoning code or procedures may be directed to the Assistant Village Manager at the same address, or by calling 937-767-3703 or by email at jyung@vil.

John Yung AICP,
Assistant Village Manager


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