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Repealing sections, enacting new ordinances

Repealing sections, enacting new ordinances

Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio

Interested persons will take note that the Village Council of Yellow Springs on Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2016, gave first readings to ordinances, text to follow.

Council will give a second reading and pass into law during a public hearing on Monday, Sept. 19, 2016, in the Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton St.

Full text of ordinance is available online at, at the Clerk of Council’s office, Yellow Springs Library or in the Bryan Center lobby.

First Reading of Ordinance 2016-17
Repealing Section 1262.08 “Specific Requirements” of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio and Enacting New Section 1262.08 “Specific Requirements”: Adding Mobile Food Trucks to the I-1 and Correcting a Typographical Error

First Reading of Ordinance 2016-18 
Repealing Section 1248.03 “Spatial Requirements” of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio and Enacting New Section 1248.03 “Spatial Requirements”: Correcting an Erroneous Density Maximum of 14 Units Per Acre in R-B to a Maximum of 8 Units Per Acre in R-B

First Reading of Ordinance 2016-19
Repealing Section 1258.01 “District Uses” of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio and Enacting New Section 1258.01 “District Uses”: Adding Mobile Food Trucks to the E-I Zoning District

First Reading of Ordinance 2016-20 
Repealing Appendix: “Zoning Map” in Title Four “Zoning” of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio and Enacting New Appendix: “Zoning Map”: Correcting a Typographical Error to List Educational Institution Correctly as E-I

Karen Wintrow, President of Council


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