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Village Council Regular Meeting

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Village Council Regular Meeting
Monday, May 7, 2018 at 6 p.m.
Council Chambers, second floor, Bryan Community Center
Comments from the Public are welcomed at two different times during the
course of the meeting: (1) Comments on items not on the Agenda will be heard
under Citizens Concerns, and (2) Comments on all items listed on the Agenda
will be heard during Council’s consideration of said item. A Sign-In sheet will
be made available on the small table at the rear of the Council Chambers. Please
write your name and the topic you wish to discuss.



• To Discuss the Discipline of a Public Employee.



CONSENT AGENDA (7:10 p.m.)
• Minutes of April 16, 2018 Regular Meeting
• Resolution 2018-13 Forming an Agreement between the Village of
Yellow Springs and the Greene County, Ohio Engineer for a Cooperative
Paving Program
• Resolution 2018-15 Authorizing the Village Manager to Enter Into an
Agreement with ODOT for Ramp and Dome Repair and Construction for
• Ordinance 2018-16 Repealing Chapter 1020.04 “Maintenance
Requirements” of the Codified Ordinances of the Village Of Yellow
Springs, Ohio and Enacting New Chapter 1020.04 “Maintenance
• Ordinance 2018-17 Repealing Section 1248.01(A) “R-A, Low Density
Residential District” of the Codified Ordinances of the Village Of Yellow
Springs, Ohio and Enacting a New Section 1248.01(A) “R-A, Low Density
Residential District”
• Ordinance 2018-18 Repealing Section 1260.04(A)(6) “Uses; Accessor y
Buildings and Structures” of the Codified Ordinances of the Village Of
Yellow Springs, Ohio and Enacting a New Section 1260(A)(6) “Uses;
Accessor y Buildings and Structures”
• Ordinance 2018-19 Repealing Section 1262.02(B) “Procedures: Public
Notice” of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio
and Replacing it With a New Section 1262.02(B) “Procedures: Public Notice”
• Ordinance 2018-20 Repealing Section 1250.03 (A) “Spatial
Requirements” of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Yellow Springs,
Ohio and Enacting a New Section 1250.03(A) “Spatial Requirements”
• Ordinance 2018-21 Repealing Section 1262.08(E)(1) “Conditional Use
Requirements: Residential: Accessor y Dwelling Units” of the Codified
Ordinances of the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio and Enacting a New
Section 1262.08(E)(1) “Conditional Use Requirements: Residential:
Accessor y Dwelling Units”
• Second Reading and Public Hearing of Ordinance 2018-14
Amending the Employee Personnel Manual to Add One Holiday to the
Recognized Holiday Calendar
• Emergency Reading of Ordinance 2018-15 Approving the Editing and
Inclusion of Certain Ordinances and Resolutions as Parts of the Various
Component Codes of the Codified Ordinances: Approving Adopting and
Enacting New Matter in the Updated and Revised Codified Ordinances:
Repealing Ordinances and Resolutions in Conflict Therewith: Publishing
the Enactment of New Matter; and Declaring an Emergency
• Reading of Resolution 2018-09 Creating a Permanent Glass Farm
Conser vation Area Management Committee
• Reading of Resolution 2018-14 Creating an Economic Development
Incentive Policy
• Reading of Resolution 2018-16 Approving an Employment Agreement
for the Position of Finance Director
SPECIAL REPOR TS (7:35 p.m.)
• HRC Annual Report
OLD BUSINESS (7:40 p.m.)
• Housing Advisor y Board Report on Community Conversations/Next Steps
(MacQueen: 45 min.)
• Utility Tiering Discussion (Kreeger: 15 min.)

• May 21:
+ Tobacco 21 Discussion
+ JSTF Proposal for Permanent Commission Status
+ Fees for Event Ser vices Discussion
+ Diversity Outreach Hiring Policy Draft
+ JSTF Mayor’s Court Recommendation
• June 4: First Reading of Ordinance 2018-XX Making Sale of Tobacco to
Persons under the Age of 21 a Misdemeanor in the Village of Yellow Springs
• June 18: Second Reading and Public Hearing of Ordinance 2018-XX
Making Sale of Tobacco to Persons under the Age of 21 a Misdemeanor in
the Village of Yellow SpringsThe next regular meeting of the Council of the
Village of Yellow Springs will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, April 16, 2018 in
Council Chambers, John Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton Street.

The next regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Yellow Springs will
be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, May 21, 2018 in Council Chambers, John
Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton Street.
This is not a complete agenda and is subject to change.
Materials relevant to this agenda are available in the John Bryan Community
Center lobby and at the Yellow Springs library. Documents for consideration
by Council must arrive by 10 a.m. on the Friday prior to Monday’s meeting.
Documents may be left with the police department, utility office or the Clerk
of Council’s office.
The Village of Yellow Springs is committed to providing reasonable accommoda-
tions for people with disabilities. The Council meeting is wheelchair accessible.
Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the Village Clerk
of Council’s Of fice at 767-9126 or via e-mail at for
more information.


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