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Yellow Springs Public Notices

Ordinances re: Handling of Junk Cars

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— Public Notice —

Interested persons will take note that the Village Council of Yellow Springs on Monday, Nov. 18, 2019, gave a preliminary approval as a first reading to ordinances, text to follow.

Council will give a public hearing and pass the ordinances into law on Monday, Dec. 2, 2019. All readings will take place at the John Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton St.

ORDINANCES 2019-37; 38; & 39

• All address the handling of junk cars.

• In section 660.07 Storing Junk Vehicles, Unlicensed Vehicles and Inoperable Vehicles on Private Property with Permission of Owner, Ordinance 2019-37 amends sections 660.07 c; d and e and f, removing the allowance of one junk vehicle in 660.07(c) adding language that a junk vehicle cannot be left on the property unenclosed for more than seven days; 660.07(d) tightens the time period to remedy the public nuisance from 30 to 15 days; 660.07(e) removes the entire section that allows for an extension of time. If these ordinances are approved 660.07(f) will become 660.07(e) Penalty.

• In section 1260.03(d) Storage and Repair of Vehicles, Ordinance 2019-38 removes section (2) regarding the open storage or parking of junk vehicles on land within the Village, keeping it entirely under the police department’s authority. This will remove the conflict between the general offenses code and zoning code on junk vehicles.

• Finally, Ordinance 2019-39, addresses section 1272.05(b)(2) D, zoning code enforcement process, adding Mayor’s Court as an option for citation in addition to the existing “Municipal Prosecutor”.

Full text of ordinances is available online at http://www.yso.com, at the Clerk of Council’s office, Yellow Springs Library or in the John Bryan Community Center lobby.

Brian Housh, President of Council


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