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A Yellow Springs Almanack — Oct. 29–Nov. 4

By Bill Felker

Editor’s Note: This week’s Yellow Springs Almanack did not appear in the Oct. 28, 2021 issue of the Yellow Springs News due to space constraints in the Community Forum pages.

There is a seasonal exhaustion in the air. The ground is cool and subdued as the hills turn dusky and purple by late afternoon. I pass cleared fields full of stubble, the lank, dark stalks of corn. Milkweeds, where monarchs deposited their eggs, have opened their pods, and the white silk lies over browning grass like wisps of cotton, or is concentrated in spots like the downy feathers of a chicken caught by a fox.
—John Hay

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The Fifth Week of Middle Fall

The Travelling Toad and Frog Moon entered its final quarter on October 28 and wanes throughout the week ahead, becoming the new Deer Rutting Moon — the lunar period during which local deer mate — on Nov. 4 at 4:15 p.m. Rising after midnight and setting in the afternoon, this Moon passes overhead in the morning. New Moon on Nov. 4 and lunar perigee on Nov. 5 create a pattern conducive to freezing temperatures. Chances of a killing frost rise at full moon time, Nov. 19.

This month, Jupiter and Saturn are evening stars in Capricorn. Venus moves once again during November, this time into Sagittarius, visible at dusk deep in the southwest, the third and the brightest evening star. Mars in Libra becomes visible as a morning star later in the month. 

In the southern sky before midnight, the Pleiades are approaching from the east, Taurus not far behind them. Pisces is due south, Pegasus above it to the west. Fomalhaut, the brightest star of late summer, is low on the southwestern horizon. The Big Dipper hugs the northern tree line, the Little Dipper hanging down to the left of Polaris.

Daylight Saving Time ends on November 7 at 2 a.m. this fall.

October 29

    Sunrise/set:    8:00/6:37 

    Record hi/lo:    82 (1900)/21 (1925) 

    Average hi/lo:    58/39

    Moonrise/set:    12:41 a.m./3:42 p[.m.

    Age of Moon/Year:    24 days/302 days

October 30: New Moon

    Sunrise/set:    8:01/6:36

    Record hi/lo:    81 (1927)/18 (1895) 

    Average hi/lo:    58/39

    Moonrise/set:    1:45 a.m./4:14 p.m.

    Age of Moon/Year:    25 days/303 days

October 31

    Sunrise/set:    8:03/6:34 

    Record hi/lo:    80 (1950)/20 (1909) 

    Average hi/lo:    58/38

    Moonrise/set:    2:51 a.m./4:42 p.m.

    Age of Moon/Year:    26 days/304 days

November 1

    Sunrise/set:    8:04/6:33 

    Record hi/lo:    79 (1950)/20 (1906) 

    Average hi/lo:    57/38

    Moonrise/set:    4:02 a.m./5:09 p.m. 

    Age of Moon/Year:    27 days/305 days

November 2

    Sunrise/set:    8:05/6:32 

    Record hi/lo:    77 (1961)/20 (1954) 

    Average hi/lo:    57/38

    Moonrise/set:    5:13 a.m./5:36 p.m.

    Age of Moon/Year:    28 days/306 days

November 3

    Sunrise/set:    8:06/6:31 

    Record hi/lo:    77 (1987)/13 (1951) 

    Average hi/lo:    56/38

    Moonrise/set:    6:26 a.m./6:04 p.m.

    Age of Moon/Year:    29 days/307 days

November 4

    Sunrise/set:    8:07/6:30 

    Record hi/lo:    76 (1975)/17 (1951) 

    Average hi/lo:    56/37

    Moonrise/set:    7:41 a.m./6:35 p.m.

    Age of Moon/Year:    1 day/308 days

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