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Judy Scott

Judy Scott was born on Dec. 24, 1948, in Peebles, Ohio, at the home that she and her siblings were raised in. She was born to Hattie (Charles) and John Milton Rowe. Judy had seven siblings: Kathryn, Lloyd, Nunrie, Frank, Evelyn, Rose and baby sister Tammy. Judy left Peebles for the big city of Cincinnati where she got a job working as a telephone operator for Cincinnati Bell, all while living at the YMCA. That was not common in her day, a small-town girl going to the big city alone.

Soon after his return from Vietnam in 1967, Judy married Terry L. Johnson and had their only child, Terri Sue Johnson, in 1968. They later divorced. Judy spent many years working at The Yellow Springs Bowling Alley as a short order cook and assistant for the thriving business.

The rest of Judy’s life story started in 1975 working at Vernay Labs in Yellow Springs, Ohio. It was there that she met the love of her life, Charles Scott (AKA Papa, AKA Sly Fox). Charles and Judy were married on June 11, 1977, and would have celebrated their 45th anniversary this year. God led them to the Yellow Springs Christian Center where they attended and worshiped those 45 plus years until Judy was no longer able to attend. They bought a home and moved to Yellow Springs in 1978. They lived, worked and worshiped in their community. Their marriage was a living testimony to all who knew them. They made a home for not only their families but many others.

Judy and Charles raised their children and their grandchildren in their home. Judy did not know anything about bloodlines; to her, family was who you chose to love and invest in. Their daughter Cassandra spent years being loved and nurtured in Yellow Springs. Terri went off to college and graduated and then came back home to raise her first child, Yosef. It was in their home, the very bedroom Terri grew up in, that Yosef was born and spent the first three years of his life. Within a few short weeks of them moving out, Judy got a call that she had two grandchildren in Cincinnati who needed a home. Nanny and Papa went to get their grandbabies and bring them home. Jaime and Shirlisa Scott came to Yellow Springs and together they were raised with Yosef and Levi and many years down the road came sweet little Anaya Grace. There was NOTHING that Nanny and Papa would not do for their grandchildren. They bought diapers, food, clothes, shoes, socks. They paid for camps, music classes, instruments, art supplies, computers, cars, insurance. They always provided a safe haven for those kids. No matter what was going on in those kids’ lives, they knew one thing and that was that they were safe at Nanny and Papa’s. Judy and Charles had a way of making everyone feel loved and safe.

Judy had a servant’s heart and anytime she could share her love and her resources with others, that is what she did. Her heart was pure gold; you could not find a more loving and giving woman.

Judy was a storyteller like the women before her, and she would absolutely make any girls night the best with her larger-than-life personality. Judy loved her siblings and was a fierce protector of all. She became the Matriarch many years ago as she cared for her oldest sister when she needed someone to step in. Judy taught us all that faith, family and good friends are what matter in this world.

All of us that knew her know that we have been forever blessed and that we certainly knew an Earth Angel. Judy is not here in her physical body, but she is still here with each of us, guiding us through this unknown territory without her. May you know that her spirit lives in each of us and her blood runs through many of us. We are the legacy that she left behind.

Judy crossed over the bridge and through the gates on May 23, 2022, at 10:50 a.m.

“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself: that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:2-3 KJV.

A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, June 4, 2022, at 2:30 p.m, at Vernet Ecological Center, 405 Corry St., Yellow Springs, Ohio. Masks will be available as well as hand sanitizer.



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