
Village Council Work Session on Public Safety

— Public Notice —

Village Council Work Session on Public Safety

Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022, 3–5 p.m.
Rooms A&B, second floor, Bryan Community Center



• Introduction and statement of purpose/goals for the session. (DeVore Leonard: 10 min.)

• Introduction and framing about operations of current YSPD, including Guidelines for Local Policing (Burge: 10 minutes)

• Current Status of Public Safety in the Village:
– Round Table Initial “Opinion Sharing”
– Framing of Potential Action Items
– Discussion: Real vs. Ideal (e.g.; why bullet proof vests, why weapons)

• Temperature Checks on the Following to see if there’s Council and/or staff interest in looking into topics for future discussion.:
– Size of Department (do we need two officers on patrol, could we have 1 officer and 1 social worker instead, for example) – pros and cons, comparison to other similar size communities
– Dispatch contract — Are there significant cost reductions possible working with the County?
– Expansion of Social Worker Role/s — for addressing non-police issues and needs.
– Merging Police and Fire Departments — Pros and cons, long-term project
– Reduce use of weapons, bulletproof vests, body cameras and other equipment
– Are we sending everything we can to Mayor’s Court?

• Wrap Up:
– One thing you learned, one thing you’re left wondering
– How to Build Engagement
– How to Move Forward with Which Items in a Collaborative and Respectful Manner


The next regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Yellow Springs will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 5, 2022.


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