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Now Hiring: Planning and Zoning Administrator/Economic Sustainability Liaison

— Public Notice —

NOW HIRING: Planning and Zoning Administrator/Economic Sustainability Liaison (PZA/ESL)

The Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio is seeking candidates for the position of Planning and Zoning Administrator/Economic Sustainability Liaison (PZA/ESL). This position is responsible for interpreting and implementing the Village of Yellow Springs Zoning Code and Property Maintenance Code, as well as providing staff support to the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. The PZA/ESL encourages, implements and assists in economic development activities within the Village and surrounding area, and manages the Village’s contracted building department activities through the permitting process required by the Ohio Building Code.

Persons interested in this position that pays $55,000-$70,000 annually, DOQ, may complete an application (available online or from the Village at 100 Dayton Street, Yellow Springs, OH 45387) and submit a cover letter (optional) with resume’ via email to or in person to the Village Manager’s Office at the above address by 03/15/2023 at 4 p.m. The job description and application can be found online at EOE


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