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Yellow Springs High School

At the May 22 Board of Education meeting, the board named the May recipients of student and faculty awards. From left, kindergartner Henry Johnson, eighth grader Alannah Calfee, senior Henry Smith-Heston and Yellow Springs High School social studies teacher Hannah Corrigan. (Submitted photos by YS Schools)

Students of the Month | May 2023

Student, faculty awards presented

YS Schools announced the May recipients of student and faculty awards at the May 22 Board of Education meeting:

Henry Johnson, kindergarten, Young’s Dairy Mills Lawn School Scholar of the Month  — Johnson was nominated by his teacher, Jeananne Turner-Smith, who wrote: “Henry Johnson is an excellent classroom citizen. He is thoughtful and careful in his work, and is always willing to help others. Henry demonstrates cooperation, working with and respecting all students. He asks terrific questions and consistently tries his best on all tasks and assignments. Henry is an enthusiastic and motivated learner.”

Alannah Calfee, eighth grade, Mills Park Hotel McKinney Middle School/Yellow Springs High School Scholar of the Month — Calfee was nominated by physical education teacher Rich Gillett, who wrote: “Alannah has been a constant force of good since day one this year. Alannah consistently helps everyone she can in the classroom and brightens the day of anyone she encounters. Her grades are always on top and she continues to strive for excellence each day. An absolute leader in the classroom daily.”

Henry Smith-Heston, 12th grade, Trophy Sports Center High School Scholar Athlete of the Month — Smith-Heston, a soccer- and tennis-player with a 4.0 grade-point average, is a three-year varsity starter on the tennis team, playing the #1 singles spot. His overall record is 35–19. He is a two-time district qualifier and was named to the MBC all-conference team as a sophomore, junior and senior. He will be attending Wittenberg University and will play soccer.

Hannah Corrigan, Yellow Springs High School social studies teacher, Peifer Orchard Employee of the Month — Corrigan has been employed at Yellow Springs Schools for four years. She was nominated by teacher Naomi Hyatt, who wrote: “I am nominating Hannah for two reasons. Firstly, her hard work with [the Student Review Board] is really fantastic. Her organizing prom, spirit days/pep rallies, test day goodie bags and other school pride events throughout the year made a positive impact on our school community. Secondly, the work she does to support special education students and other struggling students is unparalleled. There are students who show no effort in any other classes who show up and engage, work hard and experience success through her class.”

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