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Miami Township Board of Trustees | Feb. 21 Meeting

The Miami Township Board of Trustees held its second regular meeting of the month Wednesday, Feb. 21. The agenda for the evening was brief; both Trustee Chris Mucher and Interim Fire Chief Dennis Powell were unable to attend the meeting and give their customary reports.

Fire/EMS report

Reading a memo from Powell, Trustee Marilan Moir reported that, in the two-week period since the last meeting of the trustees, Miami Township Fire-Rescue had responded to 28 EMS calls, seven fire calls, and provided mutual aid to other fire/EMS agencies twice.

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Clifton-Union Cemetery update

Trustee Chair Don Hollister, who serves as the trustees’ liaison to the board of Clifton-Union Cemetery, noted that a house in Clark County had been willed to the cemetery’s board for the purpose of forming an endowment via the sale of the house. The Clifton-Union Cemetery is jointly operated by Miami Township and Green Township, and Hollister noted that each township spends about $15,000 annually to maintain the cemetery, which is located on Tanyard Road in Clifton.

“[Those costs] will go down with the establishment of this endowment,” Hollister said.

Meeting minutes discussed

Near the meeting’s end, Hollister opened the floor to comments from members of the public in attendance. Local resident Fred Bachtell noted that, because minutes from meetings are not posted to the Township’s website until after they have been reviewed and approved at the following meeting, community members are unable to read them until two meetings have already taken place.

“I wanted to review the minutes before I came to the meeting today to remind me what you did last time, and they won’t be approved until today,” Bachtell said. “It could be a public participation problem.”

Local resident and former school board member Scott Fife noted that the school board posts draft minutes from its previous regular meeting to the online agenda ahead of the next meeting, before the minutes are approved.

Hollister noted that he would be amenable to posting draft minutes online before their approval if it’s made clear that the minutes are a draft, and have not yet been approved.

“That seems very doable,” Moir said.

Both trustees agreed to wait to make a decision on posting draft meeting minutes until a future meeting, when Mucher will have a chance to weigh in.


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