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Severe weather forecast for Miami Valley area

The Village of Yellow Springs announced this afternoon that severe weather is likely headed toward the village this afternoon and evening.

A post from the Village on its Facebook page reads: “On a scale of 1 to 5, the severe weather outlook for our area is a 4, and there is a significant risk of strong tornadoes occurring from this storm. Damaging winds and large hail are also likely. The storms will likely pass through our area between 3 p.m. and 12 a.m.”

The Village will update residents once further information is received from the National Weather Service, and advises that residents keep electronic communication devices charged and available for additional messages.

The Bryan Center will be open for use as a storm shelter today. 

According to, in the event of a tornado, Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness encourages Ohioans to DUCK:

D – Go DOWN to the lowest level
U – Get UNDER something
C – COVER your head
K – KEEP in shelter until the storm has passed.

Storm cellars and basements are the safest place to shelter during a storm; barring that, an interior room with no windows on the lowest level of the home is the safest place. The Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness reminds the public that mobile homes are not considered a safe place to take shelter — even those equipped with tie-down systems.

More information on storm precautions and safety is available here.


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