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Totality of the Great Eclipse of 2017

The Totality during the Great Eclipse of 2017, taken in Nashville, TN (Photo by Matt Minde)

Viewing the 2024 Solar eclipse in Yellow Springs

In case anyone is in the dark — pun intended — about when the Great Eclipse of 2024 will begin,  and when totality begins, below are figures from the website, which offers the following details for Yellow Springs:

• Eclipse begins: 13:54:03 (1:54 p.m.)
• Totality begins 15:10:16 (3:10 p.m.)
• Duration of totality: 2 minutes 8.1 seconds

The weather seems to be holding out, and good viewing is just about everywhere, as most trees aren’t sporting leaves yet. Open spaces include Gaunt Park, Ellis Pond, the fields surrounding YSHS and Mills Lawn School and Antioch College. 

Porta-potties have been set up around town to accommodate weary travelers. 

Please heed the usual warnings and DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THE SUN with unprotected eyes: use a certified pair of solar eclipse glasses. Only during totality is it safe to look at the sun without eye protection, but the duration is quite short — just over two minutes — so try to keep this in mind when marveling over the celestial phenomenon. 

It is also recommended that viewers leave the astral photography to professionals with the proper gear, and that you either enjoy the eclipse, or enjoy watching others watch the eclipse. 

Drivers are encouraged to be aware that roads will be heavily congested with traffic after the eclipse. The Yellow Springs Police Department will have officers strategically stationed to ensure that traffic moves smoothly.

The YSPD also encourages people to stay a while and enjoy friends, company and festivities in order to spread out the rate of traffic flow. 

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One Response to “Viewing the 2024 Solar eclipse in Yellow Springs”

  1. Nora Chalfont says:

    The sky turned darker,like evening light, at the north side of Mills Lawn, but not nighttime darkness for “total” eclipse. Anyone else notice this?

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