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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 120

  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Boys soccer wins 10-0, Miller advances to regionals

    In post season action, the YSHS boys soccer team advanced to the second round of sectionals while the girls ended their season and harrier Lois Miller advanced to regionals.

  • Voters to decide on healthcare

    Health insurance reform in Ohio and the quality of local healthcare services will be affected by the outcome of two election issues on the Nov. 8 ballot.

  • In coffee, it’s goats, not bears

    Brother Bear’s Coffeehouse regular Michael Herington, left, purchased the coffee shop from Patrick and Mindy Harney last month. The new Dancing Goats Cafe will still serve Brother Bear’s coffee in a more comfortable, classy space. Herington is shown here with barista Shawn Butts. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    According to the legend, coffee was discovered when an Ethiopian goat herder noticed his goats jumped and danced around when they ate the ripe red berries of a certain bush.

  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Mid-week Bulldogs Roundup

    Last week the girls soccer and volleyball teams played their final regular season games, cross country runners went to the Metro Buckeye Conference championships and the football season was canceled.

  • Scarcecrows haunt downtown streets

    It’s Yelloween, the new local Halloween tradition, and downtown businesses are getting in the spirit by erecting a uniquely terrifying scarecrow in front of their shops.

  • Home, Inc. Davis Street project breaks ground

    Home, Inc. broke ground yesterday on one of two new lots it’s developing at the end of West Davis Street.

  • Issue 16 could lower rates

    Miami Township residents could save around $100 per year on electricity if a Greene County ballot issue passes in November, according to a consultant with the County Commissioners’ Association of Ohio.

  • DIY Judaism in the village

    When Randi Rothman suggested last weekend that the Yellow Springs Havurah read a book called Empowered Judaism, members at the well-attended Shabbat service agreed it sounded a lot like the collaborative spiritual community already here in Yellow Springs.

  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Bulldogs tear through home course

    The YSHS cross country team dominated a home tri-meet last week, taking the top spot in three of the four races. See more photos from the meet.

  • McKinney volleyball wins conference

    The seventh grade volleyball team capped an undefeated season by winning the Metro Buckeye Conference tournament last week. See more photos.

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