Articles by YS News Staff :: Page 381
Public Meetings
2016 Calendar of the Village of Yellow Springs Council and Council’s Commissions, Committees and Boards
Seasonal song
The Yellow Springs Community Chorus and Chamber Orchestra presented a holiday concert Sunday, Dec. 13.
‘Marcellus Shale’ play coming to Antioch College
During Antioch College’s winter quarter in 2016, the performance program will be host to “Marcellus Shale,” a play written by Talking Band members Paul Zimet and Ellen Maddow.
Village Council Regular Meeting
Monday, Jan. 4, 2016, 7 p.m.
Public Hearing, Planning Commission
Monday, Dec. 14, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
Jewel Freeman Graham
Precious Jewel Freeman Graham, retired professor of social work at Antioch College, died at her home in Yellow Springs, Ohio, on Nov. 30.
Name Change Notice
Tiffany Ann Bogle
Planning Commission Meeting Agenda
Mon., Dec. 14, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
Dr. Arthur Lewis Solomon
Dr. Arthur Lewis Solomon, 97, a former college professor, actor and poet, died in his home in Federal Way, Wash., on Nov. 23, 2015.
An ordinance repealing section 606.05 of the codified ordinances and enacting a new section
ORDINANCE NO. 2015-32, Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio
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