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Articles About Thanksgiving

  • Little Thunders — Honoring ancestral brilliance

    “The beauty of this time of year reminds me why it is so vital to honor my ancestors by keeping the traditions that have been passed down through the generations, and by keeping alive the skills they passed along.”

  • Little Thunders— Unsettling Truthsgiving

    This November 26, as you sit down to your meal, I have a message for the young people because they will understand better than anyone else: There is no need to shy away from the truth.

  • A feast with friends

    Michael Harrod, left, and John Fudge, right, were two of the many villagers, families and friends who took part in last Thursday’s Community Thanksgiving at the First Presbyterian Church. (Photos by Diane Chiddister)

    Many villagers, families and friends who took part in last Thursday’s Community Thanksgiving at the First Presbyterian Church.

  • BLOG — The chestnut surprises

    Chestnuts are more than a Christmas commercial.

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