Articles About Board of Zoning Appeals :: Page 2
Zoning issue stymies infill
The denial of a density variance last month by the Board of Zoning Appeals is motivating some Village officials to reconsider the criteria the board uses to grant variances and to review the overall effectiveness of the Village’s zoning code.
Zoning, density linked to affordability
When the Board of Zoning Appeals denied a homeowner’s application last week for a density variance to construct three more homes around his existing home on Marshall Street, the board was adhering to the strict criteria of a Village zoning code intended to discourage density, according to Village planner Ed Amrhein.
Commissions make a difference
Village commissions, staffed by appointed citizens and elected officials, are fundamental to the functioning of Village government. While the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, Community Access Panel, and Economic Sustainability Commission are not currently seeking volunteers, they offer opportunity for direct citizen involvement in governmental affairs.
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