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Articles About CBE :: Page 4

  • Role of Community Resources eyed

    At its Aug. 3 meeting Village Council began a discussion with leaders of Community Resources regarding whether that organization should be the Village’s designated community improvement corporation, or CIC.

  • Energy group tasked to reduce carbon footprint

    At their April 20 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously approved a resolution that establishes an energy task force for Yellow Springs. The task force, or ETF, will be charged with working with Village staff to develop a strategic plan toward Council’s 2009 goal to “develop a comprehensive policy that addresses global warming and seeks to reduce the carbon footprint of our community.”

  • Local economic development efforts—Focus is arts, tourism, commerce park

    On Monday, May 4, Village Council will continue a conversation it began in early April on how best to move forward with economic development. One of Council’s six 2009 Village goals is to “establish a plan that improves the economic condition of the community.”

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