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Articles About Mills Park Hotel

  • Yellow Springs Village Council stalled on hotel tax

    In Village Council’s first vote on whether to impose a local lodging tax on transient visitors, Council members came up deadlocked at their June 19 meeting.

  • Needlework retreat comes to Yellow Springs

    “From Our Hands and Hearts,” an annual creative retreat for needlework artists, is coming to Yellow Springs April 24–27. Organizers are Lori Ann Corelis, a folk artist who sews rabbits, teddy bears and other collectibles, and Rebekah Smith, a wool appliqué artist. The public is invited to a show and sale on the last day of the retreat, April 27, from 1 to 4 p.m. at Mills Park Hotel. (Submitted photos)

    Next Monday, April 24, needlework artists from across Ohio and states such as California, New York and Rhode Island will take up residence in the Mills Park Hotel for four days, and they’ll stitch, and stitch some more.

  • Cast of three

    Sculptor Brian Maughan will speak about his sculptures, shown above, which are titled “Twist again!” “Play it!” and “Fireasana.” (Submitted photo)

    An unveiling of sculptures by local sculptor Brian Maughan will take place this Friday, June 17, at the beginning of Art Stroll.

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