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Articles About National Rifle Association

  • Student protest: ‘No more fear’

    Local students gathered downtown for a rally last Friday, April 20, to commemorate the 19th anniversary of a school shooting at Columbine High School. Pictured are, from left, Mason Lindsey, JJ Bledsoe, Ellery Bledsoe and Mark Bricker (at rear). Students walked out of Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School and marched downtown to express their support for stricter gun control measures and to urge the government to do more to improve school safety. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The April 20 YSHS student walkout was scheduled to coincide with the 19th anniversary of a mass shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. According to a Reuters report, an estimated 2,600 schools participated in last Friday’s walkout. 

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