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Articles About School Forest

  • School Forest gives up just three trees this year

    Yellow Springs High School School Forest group held its annual Christmas tree sale over the weekend. Due to a poor growth year, just three trees were sold, but fun was had by all.

  • Santa and bonfire at tree festival

    Yet again, the annual Yellow Springs High School School Forest Festival is upon us, and School Foresters will be camping out in the cold for a weekend and selling their trees.

  • Three for a tree

    Yellow Springs High School students Will Turner and Sady Sparks, left, cut down the last tree of the School Forest camp-out weekend for Sady’s mom, Sarah Strong, on Sunday, Dec. 6. This year’s foresters sold nearly 140 5–9-foot scotch pines and grossed over $4,000, more than the group has ever made on the weekend. The School Forest program started raising evergreen saplings in the spring of 1947 and began selling Christmas trees to the community in the winter of 1948.

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