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Articles About Wright Patterson Airforce Base

  • Greene County Career Center — Facility levy eyes aerospace training

    The Greene County Career Center is asking county voters to pass a 1.03-mill property tax levy to build a new center near the intersection of U.S. 68 and U.S. 35 in Xenia. The current facility is located at 2960 W. Enon Road in Xenia Township. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Looking to propel its aerospace training program, the Greene County Career Center is asking voters next month to support a property tax levy for a new facility.

  • Dutch pilots to leave skies

    Villagers who suffer from the jet noise in the north end of town, and all those with sensitive ears only have to put up with the ruckus a little bit longer. The Dutch pilots who have been training at the Springfield-Beckley Airport with the 178th Fighter Wing of the Ohio Air National Guard will move to Arizona soon after September 2010.

  • A history of racial diversity

    When Robert Harris graduated from college with a degree in physics and math, he sought an engineering job in his hometown of Philadelphia. But the year was 1952, and companies weren’t hiring blacks for professional positions.

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