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Articles About affordable housing :: Page 6

  • Faces of first-time buyers in Yellow Springs

    Geno and Krystal Luketic are the sort of young couple that local leaders hope will settle in the village.

  • Zoning, density linked to affordability

    When the Board of Zoning Appeals denied a homeowner’s application last week for a density variance to construct three more homes around his existing home on Marshall Street, the board was adhering to the strict criteria of a Village zoning code intended to discourage density, according to Village planner Ed Amrhein.

  • Young buyers face tough market

    Last winter, when Sheryl Cunningham and Tom Clevenger were looking for a house in town, none of the three homes in their price range was particularly appealing. One appeared to be a converted office, another lacked enough space for a garden and in the third, floors were warped and walls twisting.

  • Affordability a village issue

    Anecdotal evidence in the region suggests that Yellow Springs is a relatively expensive place to live, and real estate data supports the assumption that the cost of housing in the village is relatively high, compared to surrounding communities.

  • Council approves initial step towards affordable housing

    At their Nov. 1 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously approved taking a step toward creating the first Village-sponsored affordable housing project in the past several decades. The project, proposed by Council President Judith Hempfling and Vice-President Lori Askeland…

  • Village Council—Affordable housing project is a multi-stage process

    Village Council’s process for a recently proposed small affordable housing project will involve several stages, according to Council President Judith Hempfling at Council’s Oct. 18 meeting. If Council approves entering into a Memorandum of Agreement, or MOA, with Home, Inc….

  • Proposal considered for affordable village housing

    Village Council members began a discussion on a proposal for a modest joint Village/Home, Inc., project for affordable housing.

  • Affordability is top concern in attracting new families

    Creating more entry-level housing, keeping living expenses affordable and more aggressively marketing Yellow Springs to the region — these were some of the ideas offered at a recent meeting that focused on how to attract more young families to the village.

  • Council looks at affordability

    Village Council needs to decide whether it intends to make affordable housing a priority before moving ahead with a specific project, John Davis told Council members at their June 7 meeting.

  • Affordable Housing Expert Promotes Land Trust Model

    National affordable housing leader John Emmeus Davis of Burlington, Vermont with Marianne MacQueen of Yellow Springs Home, Inc., who partnered with the Village of Yellow Springs to bring Davis to town. Davis discussed affordable housing issues with a small group of citizens on Monday morning. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    John Emmeus Davis of the Champlain Housing Trust in Burlington, Vermont met with a group of community members Monday morning to promote community land trusts as a way to acheive affordable housing in Yellow Springs.

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