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Articles About affordable housing :: Page 7

  • Affordability leader in YS

    The Home, Inc. community land trust organization — which creates affordable housing by having homeowners pay only for the house, with the land staying in a community trust — along with the Yellow Springs Village Council, hopes to jumpstart a conversation on affordable housing.

  • Council moves towards funding Jacoby easement

    At its Feb. 16 meeting, Village Council took a first step toward using Village greenbelt funds to conserve two pieces of farmland considered critical by Tecumseh Land Trust, or TLT. One of the properties is the first piece of the Jacoby greenbelt to be officially preserved as farmland.

  • Home, Inc. withdraws offer

    The Home, Inc. board of trustees decided last week to terminate its contract for a purchase option with Rabbit Run Farm on Dayton Street. Home, Inc. needed more time to establish a development partner for its housing project, and Rabbit Run owner Suzanne Patterson could not extend the option past the June 2010 limit specified in the contract signed in October.

  • Home, Inc. has option on Rabbit Run

    The historically green space at Rabbit Run farm that is alternately high-touch vegetable garden and brambly wildbrush, home to fox, deer and, of course, lots of rabbits, may be in for a change. Last month, Home, Inc. bought an option to purchase the 7.5-acre farm on Dayton Street to accommodate what the housing group hopes will be its first mixed-income, energy-efficient development project.

  • Jobs, land use are forum topics

    The need for collaboration between the Village and various entities, including Miami Township and Antioch College, emerged as a theme during last Sunday’s candidate forum held at the First Presbyterian Church. And while Village Council candidates agreed on the need for job growth, they differed as to how to best pursue that goal.

  • Council could do more to promote YS affordability

    If Village Council took a leadership role, it could make Yellow Springs more friendly to affordable housing. That was the message delivered by Home, Inc. executive director Marianne MacQueen at Village Council’s Aug. 3 meeting. Council did not take action, nor discuss MacQueen’s suggestions, although Council President Judith Hempfling stated that the issue will be […]

  • Some villagers are in need

    In some ways, Yellow Springs has been insulated from the most profound aspects of the current economic turmoil. Overall, local housing prices have remained steady, foreclosures are few and several of the village’s largest businesses are linked to the relatively recession-proof industries of education and health care.

  • Yellow Springs housing market holds own, with some bumps

    RECESSION IN THE VILLAGE This is the fifth in a series of articles looking at how the unstable economy is affecting various aspects of Yellow Springs life, including businesses, nonprofits, the arts, housing and schools. The aftermath of the sub-prime mortgage fallout finds the nationwide housing sector still in a serious rut caused by widespread […]

  • Yellow Springs real estate—Market still strong, but some suffer

    As economists talk about the U.S. taking a dive toward recession, the housing sector in Yellow Springs, by many accounts, seems little impacted.

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