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Articles About economic development :: Page 4

  • Council tackles sustainability—Economic dialogue continues

    Should Village economic development efforts focus on strengthening local resources or working with regional partnerships? Should the bulk of money earmarked for development be used to pay a staff person, or instead to develop local resources? Is transparency appropriate to the economic development process?

  • Development strategies eyed

    At its May 4 meeting, Village Council and citizens continued a previous discussion on how best to implement economic development strategies for the Village. Council discussed various strategies, including hiring an economic development staff person, establishing a citizens task force, hiring a consultant or some combination of the above.

  • Local economic development efforts—Focus is arts, tourism, commerce park

    On Monday, May 4, Village Council will continue a conversation it began in early April on how best to move forward with economic development. One of Council’s six 2009 Village goals is to “establish a plan that improves the economic condition of the community.”

  • Council begins talk on economic development

    Should the Village of Yellow Springs move ahead quickly to hire an economic development staff person, or should Council members take the time to clarify, with the community, what sort of development they want before hiring someone?

  • 2009 goals focus of Council

    What is the best model for economic development for the village? How much of a priority should Council make green space preservation? How aggressive should the Village be in pursuing energy conservation practices and the use of alternative energy?

  • Council reviews the actions taken toward 2008 goals

    At the Jan. 5 meeting of Yellow Springs Village Council, Counci members reviewed the actions they took last year to address their 2008 Council goals.

  • Revenue stream error means more monies in greenbelt fund

    At their March 17 meeting, members of the Yellow Springs Village Council learned that, due to a past communication error, the Village greenbelt fund should have about $100,000 more than the $87,000 it currently contains.

  • Possible BRAC jobs focus of meeting

    Economic development for Greene County and Yellow Springs was the focus of a presentation given by the Dayton Development Coalition at Antioch University McGregor on Friday morning, March 14. About 100 local and county residents, leaders and men in dark suits attended the meeting…

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