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Articles About economic development :: Page 2

  • Does Center for Business and Education meet Yellow Springs business needs?

    Central to the question of whether Village government should contribute $700,000 to completing the infrastructure of the Center for Business and Education is whether such a commerce park would meet the needs of businesses already here.

  • Village Council — Funding for CBE explored

    At their Nov. 18 meeting, Village Council members agreed to begin exploring options for funding the infrastructure of the Center for Business and Education, or CBE.

  • Center for Business and Education funding: how much risk?

    If you build it, will they come? That question lies at the heart of the current debate over whether Village government should contribute about $700,000 to complete development of the CBE.

  • Community Resources requests $656,000 to complete Center for Business and Education

    At Village Council’s Aug. 19 meeting, members of Community Resources requested that Council find a way to fund a financial shortfall so that the infrastructure for the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, can be completed next year.

  • Food ties village to Ethiopia

    Andy Carlson and Jessica Bilecki stood in a garden they helped grow with a group of villagers in the Kossoye region of Ethiopia in order to improve the village diet. The two Yellow Springs residents are part of the Kossoye Development Project, initiated by Carlson’s father Dennis Carlson with the University of Gondar in the 1960s to improve the health and longevity of the region’s people. (Submitted photo)

    Yellow Springer Andy Carlson recalls with fondness his childhood home in Ethiopia. Growing up with missionary parents in the eastern part of the country, Carlson lived in a colonial Italian mansion that, he remembers, “had a fabulous garden. There were lemon trees, banana trees, all kinds of things.” So he was surprised when, during a trip to Ethiopia decades later, he was unable to find seeds.

  • New economic plan presented to Council

    At their March 5 meeting, Village Council members heard a presentation of the new Yellow Springs Economic Sustainability Plan, created by the Economic Sustainability Commission.

  • Village efforts to grow economy

    A review of the efforts the Village has made since that time to stimulate economic development could contextualize the levy renewal coming up for a vote on May 3.

  • Loan fund moves ahead

    At their Aug. 2 meeting, members of Village Council discussed how best to move forward with the Village’s Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund, a fund designed to aid local economic development by enabling the Village to loan money to existing and start-up businesses.

  • Anthrotech opens doors

    About 40 people attended the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce After Hours open house held Thursday, April 15, at the Anthrotech’s temporary training quarters at the Creative Memories location on Dayton Street.

  • Village seeks energy grant

    In the interest of supporting energy conservation measures, Village Council members agreed at a special meeting on Friday, Dec. 11, to sign the Village on as a municipal sponsor of a grant proposal to develop an affordable home retrofit process for energy efficiency. The Village will support Community Solutions and an area business in the application for federal stimulus grant money, which if awarded, will need further action by Council to participate in the program.

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