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Articles About economic development :: Page 3

  • With assistance, business can thrive in Yellow Springs

    According to the most recent business survey update sponsored by Yellow Springs Community Resources, the village is a pretty good place to do business. Business owners like the village’s location, personality and walkability, and even in a slumped economy, a number of local outfits plan to expand here. But business owners also perceive barriers to growth, including the cost of doing business in the village, the lackluster appearance of the central business district and the age-old concern with lack of parking space downtown.

  • New economic position filled

    At the Nov. 16 Village Council meeting, Village Manager Mark Cundiff announced that the Village has hired Sarah Wildman as its new economic sustainability coordinator.

    “She has a great deal of experience in economic development in a small community as well as a background in the arts,” Cundiff said in an interview on Tuesday. “She’ll bring a lot of energy to the job.”

  • Jobs, land use are forum topics

    The need for collaboration between the Village and various entities, including Miami Township and Antioch College, emerged as a theme during last Sunday’s candidate forum held at the First Presbyterian Church. And while Village Council candidates agreed on the need for job growth, they differed as to how to best pursue that goal.

  • Multiple options considered for economic advisory body— Community Resources role discussed

    Looking for economic development leadership in Yellow Springs, Village Council is considering multiple options, including using Community Resources as the village’s official community improvement corporation (CIC) if that group chooses to do so, establishing a more broad-based economic sustainability committee, or some combination of the two. As part of this discussion, questions have been raised about the appropriateness of Community Resources as the sole advisory body, given some villagers’ concerns about that group’s past projects. At the heart of these questions is a conversation about what sort of economic development is best for the village.

  • Rita Caz store glitters and grows

    When Rita Caz Jewelry Gallery moved in April from its cozy yet too-small abode in the corner of Kings Yard to a roomier space next door, it was more than a relocation. It was an upgrade.

  • Fine local wines, engineered to taste

    Most first-time visits to the new Brandeberry Winery in Enon include a tour of the production room simply because everyone wants to know — how does one make good wine from grapes grown in Ohio? A recent customer, who drove through fields of nine-foot corn last week to get to the 5118 W. Jackson Road farm, wasn’t leaving without the secret to the sauce.

  • Duckwall buys gallery space

    Longtime Yellow Springs chiropractor Mark Duckwall has recently purchased the building that formerly housed the Shirley/Jones Gallery, where he plans to open a new office space this fall.

  • Stimulus money down the drain— Wastewater funds allocated

    The long-awaited improvements to the Village wastewater treatment plant have finally been funded and approved, and the Village received a permit to install the new equipment this week. The $2.64 million project will be funded by state and federal stimulus grants and is expected to be completed by late 2010.

  • Council set to hire development staff

    A strategy that combines support for both traditional businesses and nontraditional efforts allowed most Village Council members to find common ground regarding how best to pursue Village economic development at Council’s meeting Monday, June 15.

  • YSI acquires DAA, a new subsidiary

    YSI Incorporated has recently acquired Design Analysis Associates, Inc., or DAA, of Logan, Utah, according to a June 11 YSI press statement. “We’re very excited about this opportunity and glad they are now part of YSI,” Rick Omlor, YSI president and CEO, said in an e-mail message this week.

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