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Articles About municipal broadband

  • Village Council renews municipal Wi-Fi efforts

    Since the Village implemented a municipal broadband pilot program in early 2022, over 100 homes and businesses have opted into the network.

  • Village Council adopts privacy, net neutrality policy

    At Village Council’s regular meeting on Monday, Aug. 15, Council members unanimously approved a use policy for the village’s municipal broadband utility services. The policy enshrines the privacy of the village residents who opt into the new Wi-Fi service.

  • Village broadband pilot program slated to begin

    Years ago, a small group of villagers started conversations about offering Wi-Fi as a public utility; in the coming months, Yellow Springs will take steps to make that vision a reality as the Village pilots a broadband program at 250 locations throughout town.

  • Village Council Regular Meeting | Tuesday, Jan. 18

    At it’s regular meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 18, Village Council opted to forego voting on PUD legislation, read a resolution to authorize a settlement agreement, approved pricing on a municipal broadband pilot program, and more.

  • Village Council finalizes building department, eyes municipal broadband

    At its regular meeting, held online via Zoom on Tuesday, Sept. 7, Village Council approved the final measure needed to create a building department for Yellow Springs.

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