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Articles About police survey

  • Yellow Springs Police survey results—A desire for community engagement

    Three-quarters of respondents in a survey on police and the Village said they would like the police to engage with the community more often, including by patrolling more on bicycle and foot instead of in their cruisers and visiting schools to speak with students.

  • News survey— Village police elicit mixed responses

    In a recent YS News online survey, nearly two-thirds of respondents reported they were very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with the Yellow Springs Police Department. Comparatively, 92 percent said the same in a 2005 Village random mail survey. While it may point to a downward trend in satisfaction, the discrepancy may be due to the News survey being self-selected, online, and focused solely on policing. (Source: Yellow Springs News online survey)

    Some villagers fear for their own safety because they believe the Yellow Springs Police Department unfairly targets them. Others believe the police force is so professional and respectful that any critique of the force is unjustified.

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