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Articles About VC budget :: Page 2

  • Council passes ‘09 budget

    At their April 6 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously approved the second, or final, reading of the 2009 Village budget. Council had approved the budget’s first reading on March 16.

  • ‘09 budget includes funds for greenbelt, conservation

    On Monday, March 16, Village Council unanimously approved the first reading of the 2009 Village budget. The budget includes a substantial allocation to the greenbelt fund, along with money to upgrade Village facilities for energy conservation and to fund a Village-wide visioning/planning process.

  • Green space, conservation added to Village budget

    At their third and last budget workshop last Saturday, Feb. 28, Village Council members approved motions requesting that Village staff include in the 2009 budget $100,000 for green space and $50,000 to upgrade Village-owned facilities for energy conservation.

  • Village ends ’07 fiscal year with $1.5 million surplus

    The Village of Yellow Springs ended its 2007 fiscal year with a general fund surplus of about $1.5 million, its largest surplus in recent years, according to Village Manager Eric Swansen at Council’s March 31 meeting.

  • Revenue stream error means more monies in greenbelt fund

    At their March 17 meeting, members of the Yellow Springs Village Council learned that, due to a past communication error, the Village greenbelt fund should have about $100,000 more than the $87,000 it currently contains.

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