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Articles About zoning

  • Village Planning Commission recommends repealing Gateway Overlay District

    At the most recent Planning Commission meeting, Tuesday, Dec. 10, the group revisited — and ultimately recommended to repeal — an anomalous and oft-under-referenced section of the Yellow Springs zoning code: the Gateway Overlay District.

  • Springers 4 More Springers seeks zoning reform, more low-income housing

    Springers 4 More Springers is a citizens action group that seeks to work with local elected bodies and residents to reform the Village zoning code, support affordable housing initiatives such as Home, Inc’s 50-unit project and serve as an advocate for tenants.

  • Village Council weighs future changes to zoning code

    At the most recent Village Council meeting, Monday, April 15, Council members wrestled with a familiar issue: Should the Village zoning code be modified to encourage more high-density and affordable developments? The answer from most Council members was “yes, but in due time.”

  • Zoning Inspector Richard Zopf terminated from position

    During the most recent regular meeting of the Miami Township Board of Trustees on Monday, Dec. 4, longtime Zoning Inspector Richard Zopf was terminated from his position, which he’s held for 24 years.

  • Planning and Zoning Administrator Swinger signs off

    Eight years and innumerable planning and zoning projects later, Swinger said her time has come to step down as a public servant. She is retiring later this month.

  • Village Council to amend zoning code

    At Village Council’s regular meeting Monday, April 17, Council members heard two proposed ordinances to amend the Village zoning code.

  • Planning Commission | Zoning amendments, senior housing move forward

    The plan for the proposed senior housing development includes 22 affordable duplex and triplex rental units earmarked for seniors and 10 two-story townhomes to be sold at low cost to qualifying buyers of varying age demographics.

  • Planning Commission | Residential zoning changes proposed

    At their most recent meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 14, the members of YS Planning Commission voted to initiate the process of amending some text of the Village Zoning Code.

  • Miami Township Trustees propose zoning code changes

    The request from the Zoning Commission concerns the removal of sections 18.51 and 18.52 from the Zoning Resolution. The sections in question, which can be read in full at, concern temporary structures and property uses.

  • Process, ethics clarified in joint Council and Planning Commission meeting

    In recent months, a number of conditional use applications for construction projects around the village have either been approved by the Village’s Planning Commission, or are in the pipeline for approval

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