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Business Section :: Page 17

  • Good-bye, Rita Caz

    Rita Caz is closing its doors May 20. Owners Gail Zimmerman and Mark Crockett started the store in 1986, and are now retiring.

    Eclectic Yellow Springs store Rita Caz is closing its doors for good on May 20. Owners Mark Crockett and Gail Zimmerman are retiring after more than 30 years making and selling custom jewelry and other items.

  • ‘Olde’ tavern gets new owners

    Ye Olde Trail Tavern changed hands last month. Christine Monroe-Beard, pictured here, and her husband Don Beard, co-owners of Peach’s, have taken over the tavern run by Cathy Christian since 1986. The tavern is closed for renovations and will reopen in mid-March or early April. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    The inside of Ye Olde Trail Tavern is a mess. But it’s meant to be that way — temporarily. After being owned by Cathy Christian for 30 years, one of Yellow Springs’ oldest buildings is in new hands, and those hands are hard at work.

  • Yellow Springs Hardware, a new old store

    Yellow Springs has had the same hardware more than 90 years, yet it has changed hands only three times. Kathy Macklemore, left, who has managed the store for 16 years, is pictured here with the new owners of Yellow Springs Hardware, Shep Anderson and Gilah Pomeranz. The couple took over at the beginning of January, though Macklemore will stay on as manager. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    There has been a hardware store in Yellow Springs for more than 90 years, and throughout that time, it has changed hands only three times.

  • At Wildflower, style and community

    Wildflower Salon has new digs. Owner Emily Anglemyer, right, moved the hair salon last month to the space formerly occupied by Brandt Gallery. Her friend and associate, Meghan Burrowes, left, recently joined her in the business. Previously co-located with Wildflower Boutique, the salon sought to expand. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    There isn’t a barber pole outside the new home for the Wildflower Salon, but proprietor Emily Anglemyer and her associate, Meghan Burrowes, hope that their hair salon offers the welcoming, community vibe of a classic barbershop.

  • Holiday in the Village, Yellow Springs 2016

    2016 Holiday in the Springs

    Plan your Holiday in the Village with our 2016 online guide.

  • YS Brewery to celebrate new look with ‘Metamorphosis Party’

    YS Brewery employees Jon Vanderglas, Chris Hutson and Paul Herzog model the brewery's new logo, to be celebrated this evening at a "Metamorphosis Party." (Submitted Photo)

    The YS Brewery will host a “Metamorphosis Party” tonight, Nov. 11, 3–10 p.m., in celebration of its new logo.

  • Yellow Springs Brewery purchases bowling alley

    Nate Cornett and Lisa Wolters, owners of the Yellow Springs Brewery, recently purchased the old bowling alley on the south edge of town to use as a warehouse distribution center. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Nate Cornett and Lisa Wolters had a plan when they opened Yellow Springs Brewery three years ago, but things haven’t exactly worked out. They hoped to grow their business, of course, but at a rate they could keep up with.

  • DMS ink honored for its growth

    DMS ink, which purchased the former Antioch Publishing facility in early winter, was recently honored for its fast growth rate. Pictured above is the company’s assistant manager of production, Tiffany Simpson, with the “intelligent inserter,” which folds, inserts, counts and prints materials all in one process. The company can print 60 million pieces of direct mail a month. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    DMS ink was recognized as one of the fastest growing Asian-American businesses.

  • Forty years of making connections in Yellow Springs

    Paul Larkowski, left, shared a laugh with longtime village electrician Larry Gerthoffer, better known as Larry Electric. Gerthoffer has been wiring village homes and businesses for over 40 years. Larkowski, who is working toward his contractor’s license under Gerthoffer, hopes to continue his mentor’s ‘lectric legacy in Yellow Springs. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Larry Gerthoffer, better known as Larry Electric, has been a “fixture” of Yellow Springs for more than 40 years.

  • Mills Park Hotel hopes to open next month

    The construction of the new Mills Park Hotel is coming to an end, and developers hope the hotel will open in late April.

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