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Infrastructure & Services Section :: Page 2

  • Emergency cooling shelters established

    National Weather Service heat index chart.

    The John Bryan Community Center has been designated as a 24-hour emergency cooling center; Greene County Public Libraries are also designated as cooling centers during hours of operation.

  • Yellow Springs water towers to be rehabbed, painted

    On Wednesday, July 5, crews kicked off the two-year long process of rehabbing and painting the two Village water towers at Gaunt Park.

  • Village electric crew gets the ‘gold’

    Reliability, safety, workforce development and system improvement — those are the four areas in which the Yellow Springs Electric Department was evaluated in order to receive an RP3 “Gold” designation from the American Public Power Association, or APPA.

  • Yellow Springs wins ‘best’ water

    At the Monday, May 15, Village Council meeting, Public Works Director Johnnie Burns opened the meeting with a celebration — Yellow Springs had won the Ohio Rural Water Association’s 2023 water tasting competition.

  • East Palestine train derailment | Village water safe, experts say

    Brown water continues to show up in areas around the village.

    In the five weeks since a freight train carrying hazardous materials derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, concerns about water and air safety have come home to Yellow Springs.

  • Greene County to build new jail

    After two failed attempts to levy funds for a new jail through sales tax, and nearly a year of decisions about finance, design and size, the Greene County Commissioners and sheriff’s office will break ground on a $61 million, 250-bed jail this spring.

  • Village vies for more municipal solar

    The Village of Yellow Springs is looking to build solar photovoltaic arrays on a number of municipal properties. Sites up for consideration are the Village-owned Sutton Farm, located on State Route 343; the parking lot at the John Bryan Community Center; and the rooftops of several Village buildings.

  • BREAKING: Laundromat gas leak closes downtown roads, businesses

    Shortly before noon on Friday, Aug. 26, a gas leak began emanating from the Highlander Laundromat at the corner of Dayton and Walnut streets.

  • Where the sidewalk begins

    On Monday, Aug. 22, Ohio Department of Transportation crews began work on a sidewalk that will extend the length of the walkway going along Limestone Street.

  • Mechanical failure causes sludge spill

    On Saturday, May 28, around 6 p.m., a mechanical failure at the Village’s municipal water and wastewater treatment plant led to nearly 750 gallons of sludge spilling out of the facility.

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