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Infrastructure & Services Section :: Page 4

  • Power outage planned in Yellow Springs

    "Peak shaving" means that if the village can "shave" energy from peak usage, the village electrical rates may go down next year. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Village of Yellow Springs announced on Nov. 11 that there will be a planned power outage for the entire Village from 11 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 12, to 3 a.m. on Friday Nov., 13.

  • Village of YS— Free Wi-Fi downtown coming

    The Village of Yellow Springs is providing free Wi-Fi access downtown for a year in a pilot project that could eventually lead to community-owned broadband internet available throughout town.

  • Fire station sale still pending

    The community might not know who bought the old Miami Township fire station on Corry Street for another two months.

  • Land annexation moves ahead

    Council began the process of annexing 34 acres of land on the south end of the Village at its virtual meeting on Monday, Sept. 21.

  • YS Development Corporation— Educational commons explored

    Antioch College Main Building.

    Conversations have begun between several of Yellow Springs’ educational institutions that could lead to novel partnerships and possibly significant changes in the local learning landscape.

  • YSDC accepts loan funds, eyes township property

    The new local economic development group accepted $35,000 from the Village to seed a revolving loan fund. It discussed an ongoing effort to look at siting a K-12 school facility on the Antioch College campus. And, in a closed session, it considered a counter-offer to purchase a Township property, the soon-to-be-vacated fire station on Corry Street, to resell for economic development.

  • Villagers give views on jail

    The Greene County Jail on East Market Street in downtown Xenia was built in 1969. County leaders say the aging facility needs to be replaced with an updated and expanded facility. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Village Council, at its Feb. 18 regular meeting, considered perspectives on Issue 12, a 0.25% sales tax increase to fund the construction of a new and larger jail for Greene County.

  • MTFR seeks volunteers at open house

    Miami Township Fire-Rescue is in need of volunteers. (Photo via

    Miami Township Fire-Rescue, or MTFR, is looking for community volunteers willing to commit the time needed to train to become a firefighter and/or emergency medical technician.

  • YSDC holds its first meeting

    The Yellow Springs Development Corporation, or YSDC, held its first meeting since incorporating on Tuesday, Feb. 4.

  • In rural areas, a ‘quiet jail boom’

    In debates over jail expansion, the big picture is often the hidden aspect of the conversation. New research from Vera Institute of Justice sheds light on a “quiet jail boom” happening in more rural areas of the U.S.

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