Infrastructure & Services Section :: Page 6
Temporary Traffic Initiative survey available
The Village of Yellow Springs has published a survey on its Temporary Traffic Initiative, now in the final week of its planned three-week run
Greene County public hearings— Tax hike for new jail?
Should the county raise the sales tax to pay for a new jail? Public hearings on the issue are happening Thursday, Nov. 7, at 1:30 p.m., and Thursday, Nov. 14, at 6:30 p.m., at 35 Greene St., Xenia.
Hydrant flushing this week
The Village of Yellow Springs will flush hydrants this week, Oct. 21–25, beginning Monday at 8 a.m.
Street change to start Oct. 21
Starting Monday, Oct. 21, and running through Nov. 9, the Village will test a new traffic pattern in the areas of South Walnut, Short and Limestone streets.
‘I’m your meter reader’
In the year since she was hired by the Village of Yellow Springs, Rose Pelzl has become a friendly, knowledgeable force for accurate and timely readings of villagers’ water meters
Treating addiction, in and out of jail
This is the final article in a series looking at the proposed expansion of the Greene County Jail, and the economic, social and human issues surrounding incarceration in the county.
Jails ‘de facto’ mental health providers
In this fourth article in the News’ series on the proposed expansion of Greene County’s jail system, we take a closer look at the changing role of jails in mental health treatment, including in our local facility.
Greene County— New jail, bigger jail?
Does Greene County need a new jail? The consensus of county officials is yes. What are the key issues? And does the new facility need to be 30% larger than the existing jail? The third article in a series.
Helping the helpers at MTFR, YSPD
In the last two weeks of May alone, Miami Township Fire-Rescue crews responded to 40 calls for emergency medical service and 15 reports of fire. When a call comes in, local first responders never know exactly what they might find when they arrive. The result is that the work is physically demanding and emotionally taxing.
Village urges plant, weed maintenance
Early this week, the Village of YS released a plea to villagers to rein in plant life that obstructs sidewalks.
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