Infrastructure & Services

The Village is currently testing a new traffic pattern in the area around Mills Lawn School, through Nov. 9. Villagers are invited to submit their thoughts on the experiment via an online survey.

Temporary Traffic Initiative survey available

The Village of Yellow Springs has posted an online survey in order to gather feedback on its Temporary Traffic Initiative; the three-week experiment ended on Nov. 9.

The survey will be available through Saturday, Nov. 23. Click here to take the survey. 

The experiment changed the pattern of downtown traffic by making Short Street a one-way street, making the section of South Walnut Street one-way from Short Street to Limestone Street, and by prohibiting left turns from Walnut to Limestone. The experiment also included creating diagonal parking along both Walnut and Short streets.

For our recent stories on the initiative, “Origins of the traffic trial,” and “YS Schools welcome traffic experiment” (Nov. 21 print edition).

Other news coverage: September 19 and October 31.


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