Village Council Section :: Page 37
Village Council— Dispatch on chopping block
How important is it to villagers to have local police dispatchers? Village Council members want to hear from the community.
“We need to hear from citizens how valued our current system is. Is money more important?” said Council member Rick Walkey at Council’s March 18 meeting.
Energy group helps Village to conserve
According to the 2012 annual report from the Yellow Springs Energy Board at Village Council’s Feb. 19 meeting, the Village will, in the next few years, receive the large majority of its electrical power from renewable sources.
Women’s Voices — Some art in hall, some not
What is the right balance between promoting free expression and protecting Village government from lawsuits if that expression offends? At their Feb. 19 meeting, Village Council members wrestled with that thorny issue as they determined the best way to display art during the upcoming Women’s Voices Out Loud exhibit.
Council approves sculpture event
At their Feb. 19 meeting, Village Council members unanimously approved moving ahead with a bronze sculpture symposium sponsored by the Yellow Springs Arts Council.
Well-capping raises concern over Vernay plume clean-up
A proposed well-capping ordinance backed by Vernay Laboratories and the Greene County Combined Health District to prevent contamination from groundwater polluted by Vernay has raised concerns among some neighbors, who view the effort as an attempt by Vernay to circumvent long-term cleanup effort.
Village Council— Funding for nonprofits considered
How should Village Council respond to funding requests from local nonprofits? Council members held an initial discussion on the issue at their Jan. 7 meeting, although the topic was discussion only, with no action taken at this time.
Village Council— Pay hike gets initial OK
At their Jan. 7 meeting, Village Council members approved 4–1 the first reading of an ordinance to raise Council members’ stipends from $4,000 a year to $7,200. Council members will take the final vote on the ordinance at their Jan. 22 meeting.
Council to vote on pay raise
Village Council members at their Dec. 17 meeting continued a discussion on increasing the stipend for Council members. They will vote on the first reading of a pay raise ordinance at their Jan. 7 meeting.
Villagers asked to conserve water
Villagers are being asked to conserve water today, Jan. 3, until repairs are made on a water line break near Gaunt Park.
Zoning effectiveness a concern
While Council and Planning Commission officials and Technical Review Committee members applauded the proposed zoning code draft for its new clarity and usability, several raised concerns that the revised code could end up making local development less likely, rather than more.
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