Village Council Section :: Page 30
Village Council finds unity on utility bill change
Unified support around a proposed policy change to hold landlords responsible for their tenants’ utility debts emerged again at Village Council’s May 4 meeting, when Council voted 5–0 in favor of the change.
Village Council— Village climate plan urged
While Yellow Springs has taken a good first step by shifting to more renewable energy sources, there is much more Village government could do to help the village become a model in addressing climate change.
Council stand on utilities is giving way
The unanimous stand taken by Village Council at its last meeting for holding property owners responsible for their tenants’ utility debts began crumbling at Monday’s meeting, when two Council members formerly for the policy change weighed in against it, and another expressed ambivalence.
Village Council— Go ahead for water softening
At their April 6 meeting, Village Council members unanimously voted to move ahead with adding water softening to the proposed new water plant.
Village Council— Landlords held responsible for utilities
Village Council members unanimously supported a proposed change in Village policy that makes property owners responsible for their tenants’ utility debts.
Council and Trustees meet— Strategic planning considered
At a special joint meeting between Village Council and the Miami Township Trustees on March 30, leaders discussed how best to step up strategic planning for the Village and Township, in order to coordinate initiatives to reflect local values and goals.
Village Council— Landlords protest change
At Village Council’s March 16 meeting, Council members heard a second full-throated protest by local landlords to a proposed new Village policy holding landlords responsible for their tenants’ utility debts.
Village Council — Yellow Springs backs marriage equality
At their March 16 meeting, Village Council members unanimously passed a resolution supporting marriage equality, making the Village the third municipality in Ohio to endorse same-sex marriage.
Village Council — Sidewalk solution is elusive
At its March 2 meeting, Village Council heard a presentation from Superintendent of Streets and Parks Jason Hamby on how best to address the current problem of subpar sidewalks. According to Hamby, the best path is to replace all Village sidewalks with new ones. “Only fixng the “troubled areas” is installing a Band-Aid on an […]
Village Council— Landlords protest policy
At Village Council’s March 2 meeting, local landlords made clear that they are not happy with a proposed policy change that would hold them responsible for their tenants’ unpaid utility bills. “Look at the cause and effect. Landlords will not expose themselves to this type of liability. You’ll get higher rents,” said Dean Pallotta. It’s […]
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