Village Council Section :: Page 32
Council to vote on CBE
What’s the best way for Village Council to proceed with deciding whether to spend $1 million to fund the Center for Business and Education infrastructure? After a hiatus of several months on the locally controversial issue, Council discussed CBE funding again at its June 2 meeting, with some Council members wanting to move ahead quickly and one urging a slowing down of the process.
Village manager candidates come to Yellow Springs
The value of effective communication emerged as a theme during last Thursday evening’s community forum for the Village manager finalists.
SIDEBAR: Candidate Patti Bates rose to top
While Village Council has not yet made an official decision regarding who will be the new Village manager, the people’s choice was Patti Bates, according to Council member Brian Housh on Tuesday.
Economic development strategies eyed
At their May 5 meeting, Village Council members heard a presentation from a Greene County official regarding the county Port Authority, a potential new tool for economic development. “There’s a lot of excitement about what can be done with the Port now that it’s revamped,” Greene County Director of Economic Development Pete Williams said regarding […]
Council considers safety at Ellis Pond
Council members considered whether Village government should spend substantial funds to build two new bridges at Ellis Pond, in light of a serious accident that occurred at the pond last year.
Sidebar: Village manager forum set
Villagers will have the opportunity to meet with finalists for the Village manager position at a public forum on Thursday, May 21, at 6:30 p.m. at the Bryan Center gym.
Springfield no longer water option
In an unexpected move, Village Council members at their April 21 meeting took sourcing water from Springfield off the table, so that rehabbing the Village water plant or building a new Village plant remain Council’s only choices for how best to source local water.
Village Council side bar— Less green space funds
At their April 7 meeting, Village Council members voted 3–2 to add $25,000 for green space to the 2014 capital project budget. Karen Wintrow, Lori Askeland and Brian Housh voted for the funding, and Marianne MacQueen and Gerry Simms voted against. Council will vote on the capital fund legislation at its April 21 meeting.
2014 capital project budget— Village Council sets priorities
In a year of deficit spending, what capital projects are essential? At their April 7 meeting Village Council members considered that question, prioritizing capital needs for the Village. Council will vote on legislation for the 2014 capital budget at its April 21 meeting.
Water rate hike approved
At the March 17 Village Council meeting, Council approved in a 4–0 vote a 15 percent hike in local water rates, the largest single year increase in years.
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