Village Council Section :: Page 33
2014 capital project budget— Village Council sets priorities
In a year of deficit spending, what capital projects are essential? At their April 7 meeting Village Council members considered that question, prioritizing capital needs for the Village. Council will vote on legislation for the 2014 capital budget at its April 21 meeting.
Water rate hike approved
At the March 17 Village Council meeting, Council approved in a 4–0 vote a 15 percent hike in local water rates, the largest single year increase in years.
Village Council approves deficit budget
The Village of Yellow Springs will spend about $200,000 more than in takes in receipts in 2014, according to an operations budget Council unanimously passed at its meeting on Monday, March 17.
Water rate hike approved by Council
At their March 3 meeting, Village Council members unanimously approved a 15 percent rate hike for Village water fees, to be effective April 1. Villagers will feel the hike as an additional $4.20 monthly charge, or $50.40 per year, for an average use of 6,000 gallons.
Village budget with smaller deficit OK’d
Village Council on Monday evening gave initial approval to a 2014 Village budget with a general fund deficit that is considerably lower than the previously projected deficit.
Village Council sets goals for 2014
Hiring a new Village manager, completing a water sourcing analysis and physically updating Council chambers head the list of 2014 Village Council strategic goals, according to a prioritized list reviewed by Council members at their Feb. 18 meeting.
Village General fund deficit forecast
At a special budget review before the Feb. 18 Village Council meeting, Finance Director Melissa Vanzant projected that the Village 2014 general fund budget will have a shortfall of about $500,000.
Ethics group says no conflict for Wintrow
The Ohio Board of Ethics determined last week that Council President Karen Wintrow does not have a conflict of interest regarding the Center for Business and Education, and is free to discuss and vote on CBE-related issues.
Ethics group says, no conflict
Village Council President Karen Wintrow does not have a conflict of interest on issues relating to the Center for Business and Education, the Ohio Board of Ethics recently ruled.
SIDEBAR: More CBE delay
It will be several months before Council decides whether to fund the CBE infrastructure, according to Interim Manager Kent Bristol at Monday’s Council meeting.
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