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Village Council Section :: Page 31

  • Chris Conard retains position as Village solicitor

    Village Council unanimously voted to re-appoint Chris Conard of the Dayton firm Coolidge Wall as Yellow Springs Village solicitor. (Submitted photo)

    At their Feb. 17 meeting, Village Council unanimously voted to re-appoint Chris Conard of the Dayton firm Coolidge Wall as Yellow Springs Village solicitor.

  • Village Council—Who will be responsible for unpaid bills?

    Village Council considered whether property owners should be held responsible for the unpaid utility bills of their tenants.

  • Village Council considers solar project

    At their Jan. 5 meeting, Village Council members heard robust support for a proposed community solar project.

  • Village Council— A focus on police issues

    Community concerns around the local police department, an alleged incident of police misconduct and the current police chief search were a focus at Village Council’s Nov. 17 meeting.

  • Yellow Springs spends over income

    On Oct. 6 Village Council began its annual series of budget planning workshops with a sober look at the second year of deficit spending in the general fund.

  • Families weigh pros, cons of school testing

    Since national and state education leaders began revising standardized testing requirements that will more than double the hours and days students will spend testing from last year to this year, parents have been asking questions.

  • Street musician agreement to continue

    At their Sept. 15 meeting, Village Council members agreed that the new Street Musician Agreement appears to have solved recent problems between downtown musicians and business owners, and that its use should continue.

  • Yellow Springs village revenues higher than expected

    A mid-year budget review at Village Council’s July 21 meeting offered good news regarding Village general fund revenues.

  • Village Council denies appeal to stop solar array

    At its July 21 meeting, Village Council voted unanimously to deny an appeal of Planning Commission’s June 23 decision to allow a solar array at Antioch College. The decision means that the college solar project is allowed to go forward.

  • Council examines ‘busking’

    At their July 7 meeting, Village Council members continued an earlier discussion on how best to balance the needs of buskers and business owners in a way that doesn’t put a damper on what many villagers see as a source of downtown uniqueness.

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