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Village Council Section :: Page 29

  • Council’s first look at 2016 budget

    Budget season is in full swing. At its last two meetings, Oct. 5 and Oct. 20, Village Council reviewed the proposed 2016 Village budget, which, according to Assistant Village Manager/Finance Director Melissa Vanzant, is “in better shape than in the past,” thanks in part to “more conservative” spending and proposed utility rate increases that, if passed, will bring new revenue to the Village’s enterprise funds.

  • Village Council— Clean Ohio grant discussed

    A vote on a proposed Clean Ohio grant application for the Glass Farm wetland was expected at Village Council’s Sept. 8 meeting, but members agreed to take action in response to environmental concerns first.

  • More street work in October

    Having completed the first phase of its water distribution system upgrade this spring, the Village is poised to begin phase II of the project in late October of this year.

  • Village Council — Home, Inc. and Township partner

    In the latest bid to acquire the former Wright State Physicians Clinic property on Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs Home, Inc. and Miami Township are partnering on a joint venture to site both affordable senior housing and a new fire station in town.

  • Council’s take on policing

    Village Council members voiced some common themes at a work session Monday, July 20, as they took their turn to voice opinions about policing in Yellow Springs.

  • Village Council— Council dips into mayor’s role

    At its meeting Monday, June 1, Village Council held an initial discussion on potential revisions to the Village Charter, including the replacement of mayor with a member of Village Council.

  • Police officer Meister commended in Council

    Yellow Springs Police Officer Dave Meister was presented with a commendation for exceptional service in the line of duty. (News archive photo by Lauren Heaton)

    On behalf of Village Council at its meeting Monday, Police Chief David Hale presented Officer David Meister with a commendation for exceptional service in the line of duty.

  • Village Council— No easy options for sidewalks

    There were no easy options presented by Assistant Village Manager John Yung in his report on local sidewalks to Village Council at its May 18 meeting.

  • Council gives final approval for new landlord law

    At Village Council’s May 18 meeting, Council gave final approval to a new policy regarding delinquent utility bills, bringing to an end several months of sometimes contentious protest.

  • Village Council— Ways to reduce waste eyed

    How can Village government collect villagers’ solid waste and recyclables in the most environmentally sustainable manner? And could changes in current Village rate structures encourage villagers to reduce their solid waste?

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