Village Council Section :: Page 27
New Year’s Eve investigation not yet complete
At a special Council meeting called to present the final report of the independent investigation into the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop incident, investigator David Williamson said the report is not yet finished.
Village Council— Wetland parking lot approved
At Village Council’s Jan. 17 meeting, Council members voted to move ahead to complete construction of a small parking area near a wetlands on the Glass Farm.
Village Council— Policing issues dominate Council
The fractious aftermath of the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop dominated Village Council’s Jan. 17 meeting, with both Village leaders and community members presenting initiatives for helping to better relations between villagers and local police.
YSPD chief resigns; villagers demand better policing
On Tuesday evening a crowd overflowing the Bryan Center gym heard a statement from Police Chief Dave Hale offering his resignation in the aftermath of what many perceived as overly aggressive and hostile police behavior at the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop.
Village Council considers 2017 goals
At their Dec. 5 meeting, Council members reviewed a status update on this year’s Village Council goals with an eye toward identifying 2017 goals.
Village Council acts on CBE project
Village Council moved ahead with plans to extend infrastructure to the property known as the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, at its regular meeting Monday, Oct. 17.
A look at the 2017 projected Village budget
At Village Council’s Oct. 3 meeting, Council members heard an overview of the 2017 Village budgets for enterprise, capital and special revenue funds.
2017 Village budget: revenue is up, spending stable
Village Council at its Sept. 19 meeting heard the first reading of the Village budget for the 2017 general fund. Revenues are expected to rise in 2017.
Construction to begin Oct. 1 on new water plant
Construction on Yellow Springs’ new water treatment plant begins this weekend. A groundbreaking ceremony was held last Thursday at the Jacoby Road site.
Village Council — Citizens plan CBE moratorium
At Village Council’s Sept. 6 meeting, Council was informed that a group of citizens is aiming to place a temporary moratorium on the proposed expansion of Village infrastructure to the entrance of the Center for Business and Education, or CBE.
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